Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


Online Giving

Automatic Withdrawal

For automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account, please fill out the Form.

Mail/Drop off

You can mail or drop-off your Offerings at Good Shepherd:

1611 E. Main St., Watertown, WI 53094.

Our Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8am to 3pm

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Watertown, WI
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Vanco giving

Vanco Mobile App

You can download the Vanco Mobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play search: Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement
Follow these steps:

  1. Search for Us: Search Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School and select (look for our church logo)
  2. Select the Fund to Donate To: and donation frequency (oneChurch Offering or School Donation, enter dollar amount, time, weekly, monthly)
  3. Enter Payment Method: Credit card, debit card, or bank account information. You can save this payment method for future donations
  4. Choose to Cover Processing Fees: You can choose to cover the donation processing fees by adding a small amount on top of your gift. Click the button to opt in. associated with debit and cred There is a 2.75% fee it card transactions. There is a 1.00% fee associated with an ACH (direct bank account) transactions.
  5. Complete Your Donation: Review and complete your gift by clicking Submit If you have questions, contact Good Shepherd.

Tithe/General Offering

In 2 Corinthians chapter 9, Paul writes, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (vv. 6-7).

Weekly tithes and offerings and other undesignated gifts support the Good Shepherd General Fund. This funds ministries and general operations of both our church and school. It is through this regular generosity that Good Shepherd is able to continue its mission.

Lutheran church in Watertown, WI
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Why Give?

Generous living is one way to demonstrate our appreciation of God’s love and care, and our partnership in God’s work for this world. Giving of oneself is a very contented and happy way to live.

We strive to create opportunities that are impactful and rewarding for the giver and the receiver. THrough giving, our ministry will be used to grow God’s kingdom.

Endowment Fund; A Long-term Funding Source

The Endowment Fund was created the congregation with the intent of having a lasting financial fund that would promote Christian Education here at Good Shepherd as well as helping members further their Christian education with the intent of pursuing professional church work. Members may support the Endowment Fund by remembering it with their regular gifts and special thank offerings, or in a bequest in their trust or will.

If you would like to know more about our endowment, please contact the church office, and we will have someone from the endowment committee contact you.

Extend your Legacy; Wills, Trusts, & Bequests

A planned gift made through a will or bequest can make a very positive impact on Good Shepherd’s ministry while providing security and tax benefits for you and your family. With wise planning, you can provide just as much for your children (if not more) and, at the same time, leave something behind for the Lord’s use in his church. Having an up-to-date Will and Estate Plan gives you peace of mind. With careful planning while yet alive we can minimize exposure to taxes. At death, we can leave a parting gift to our heirs, and, at the same time, say “thank you” to God for his rich blessings of body and soul.

There are two common ways to include the church in your estate plan. First, you can direct a certain asset or a specific sum of money (e.g. cash, life insurance, stock real estate, etc.). Second, you can direct a percentage of your estate (called a “percentage bequest”). If you have interest in doing this, please consult with an attorney.

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